
Analyses détaillées sur les transformations techniques nécessaires pour atteindre l'objectif net-zéro.

Plastiques en transition : De la fin du fossile à la circularité
Jul 23, 2024

Plastiques en transition : De la fin du fossile à la circularité

Bilan du Pacte vert européen pour les climatech : volet 3
Jun 10, 2024

Bilan du Pacte vert européen pour les climatech : volet 3

Le financement du Pacte vert

Bilan du Pacte vert européen pour les climatech : volet 2
Jun 3, 2024

Bilan du Pacte vert européen pour les climatech : volet 2

La politique industrielle européenne. Le Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), ou l’occasion manquée de promouvoir les climatech européennes

Bilan du Pacte vert européen pour les climatech : volet 1
May 29, 2024

Bilan du Pacte vert européen pour les climatech : volet 1

1er volet d’une série de trois permettant de faire le bilan du Pacte vert de l'UE. Il présente le cadre et les objectifs du Pacte en matière de climatech.

The CSRD & European Sustainability Reporting
Feb 28, 2024

The CSRD & European Sustainability Reporting

Are companies ready?

The Hydrogen Series: Part 3
Dec 14, 2023

The Hydrogen Series: Part 3

Low-carbon hydrogen production in the European Union: what economic conditions are required to switch to low-carbon hydrogen by 2030?

Réponse de Zenon Research à la consultation du Gouvernement français sur sa stratégie CCUS
Oct 24, 2023

Réponse de Zenon Research à la consultation du Gouvernement français sur sa stratégie CCUS

Beyond primary energy: the energy transition needs a new lens
Jul 7, 2023

Beyond primary energy: the energy transition needs a new lens

Primary energy was only suited for a world dominated by fossil fuels. It doesn't have any sense in a future where electricity and renewables rule.

The Hydrogen Series: Part 2
Jun 8, 2023

The Hydrogen Series: Part 2

Low-carbon hydrogen production in the EU: are 2030 targets achievable?

The Hydrogen Series: Part 1
May 4, 2023

The Hydrogen Series: Part 1

Low-carbon hydrogen production technologies: various but not equivalent options

The CDR series: Direct Air Capture
Jan 19, 2023

The CDR series: Direct Air Capture

A detailed synthesis of the current of development of the direct air capture technology and a look at future perspectives

Decarbonizing heavy-duty road transport in Europe
Oct 31, 2022

Decarbonizing heavy-duty road transport in Europe

Batteries or fuel cells? What is the best way to decarbonize heavy-duty road transport in Europe?

Technology and innovation: What role in the fight against climate change?
Oct 18, 2022

Technology and innovation: What role in the fight against climate change?

What role for innovation and technology in the race to decarbonise the world?

Élimination du carbone atmosphérique
Jul 12, 2022

Élimination du carbone atmosphérique

How fast can we transition?
Jun 27, 2022

How fast can we transition?

Mitigating climate change calls for a rapid transformation of our energy system. How fast can we actually transition?

Fluxes, not stocks: The real challenges of metallic resources for the energy transition
Feb 10, 2022

Fluxes, not stocks: The real challenges of metallic resources for the energy transition

Do we have enough metals for the energy transition?

Transitioning away from fossil fuels
Jan 14, 2022

Transitioning away from fossil fuels

While our economy is highly dependent on fossil fuels, replacing them by low-carbon energy sources is now crucial.

Powering the world: how much energy will the world need?
Oct 18, 2021

Powering the world: how much energy will the world need?

What if the world energy demand was bound to reach an asymptote? A detailed study of the national energy-economy links

Retourner sur la Lune pour y rester ?
Oct 4, 2021

Retourner sur la Lune pour y rester ?

What possible economic models for the renewed lunar objectives?

Réchauffement = Récession !
Oct 4, 2021

Réchauffement = Récession !

How will climate change affect economic growth? Is a climate-driven recession possible?

The helium bubble: prospects for 3He-fuelled nuclear fusion
Oct 4, 2021

The helium bubble: prospects for 3He-fuelled nuclear fusion

Is the Moon our next energy reservoir? An analysis of the prospects for helium-3 fuelled fusion