Digital technology and its role in the energy transition
In partnership with Google France, Zenon Research organized a morning of discussion and reflection on the opportunities offered by digital technology to achieve the goals set by the Paris Agreement.
Achieving carbon neutrality around the middle of the century in order to comply with the Paris Agreement implies a radical change in our energy infrastructure - based more than 80% on fossil fuels. This transition will take place in part through a strong electrification of uses - electricity should represent more than 50% of final energy compared to around 20% in 2022 - and the massive deployment of solar and wind power. The latter involves another major change: the transition from a system where production adapts to consumption, to a system where demand will have to partly adapt to production.
Indeed, electricity storage is a major challenge, and the flexibility of demand (demand response in English), and production, makes it possible to mitigate some of the storage needs. Network management will also require collecting and analyzing a very large amount of data to ensure its stability. Digital technology also allows for efficiency and optimization gains in industry. At the same time, the energy impact of digital technology is the subject of strong controversies, often based on a too simple interpretation of data that neglects the positive externalities generated by the use of digital technology.
The aim of this conference was to discuss these externalities and the role of digital technology in decarbonization.
[8h-8:30] Welcoming guests
[8:30-8:35] Intro - Google - Floriane Fay (Institutional relations & public policies manager)
[8:35-9:15] Keynotes conferences:
- Introduction by Greg De Temmerman (Managing director of Zenon and associate researcher at Mines Paris PSL): “Energy transition: data and management”
- The carbon footprint of digital technology, a poorly addressed subject - Pierre Beyssac - CEO and Founder Eriomem
[9h15-10h] Talk panel, new challenges in the field of energy and the role of digital technology:
- Google Expert Vincent Poncet : cloud and sustainability
- Anaïs Voy-Gillis : Associate researcher at CEREGE (University of Poitiers/IAE de Poitiers) on French and European industrial issues. Associate director of June Partners, a firm specialized in the transformation of businesses in complex situations
- David Bardina : Deputy CEO of METRON, a digital solution allowing operational management of an energy performance and decarbonization strategy
- Romain Champoulier : Co-founder of Carbonfact, a decarbonization platform for fashion players
- Régis Le Drezen, Think Smartgrids General Manager
Moderator Greg De Temmerman : Managing director of Zenon and associate researcher at Mines Paris PSL
[10h-10h15] Q&As and end of the event