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Production of low-carbon hydrogen in the European Union: what economic conditions are needed to switch to low-carbon hydrogen by 2030?
Low-carbon hydrogen production in the EU: are the 2030 goals achievable?
Technologies for the production of hydrogen with low carbon content: diverse but not equivalent.
The concept of energy return on energy invested is often used to compare different technologies.
The technologies needed to decarbonize are being deployed at an exponential pace, hinting at a rapid transition. However, their share remains in the minority.
Reindustrializing France will require, among other things, to quickly make choices about electricity production to avoid network constraints.
The strong economic recovery in 2021 and the energy crisis have led to a sharp rise in the use of coal. While its use is set to decline sharply.
The reindustrialization of a country like France, which already has low-carbon electricity, is a powerful lever for reducing the carbon footprint.
Can anthropogenic heat emissions significantly change the Earth's climate system?
An opinion piece about how the pace of the modern world makes us underestimate how difficult the energy transition is
Analysis of the emergence of space tourism and its prospects for evolution
An analysis of recent announcements in the field of nuclear fusion and what they mean for the development of this new energy
An analysis of the announcement by the National Ignition Facility, studying inertial fusion, that they are close to reach ignition.
This article is an introduction published, on Illuminem, to the report "Too Hot to Grow:How global warming can make the world enter into structural economic recession"
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