The climate
tech think tank
Zenon analyses the emerging trends in the technological innovations required to reach net-zero, and builds a community of change-makers willing to engage with climate techs and looking for high-quality information.
Zenon Research is an association under the 1901 law and a think tank founded by Jean-Baptiste Rudelle. Linked to PSL University, Zenon is non-profit and independent. His work, based on science, is dedicated to technologies for a low-carbon world.
Faced with the challenges of global warming, innovations and technologies will be necessary, in addition to efforts to reduce emissions and adapt. By 2030, solutions exist to halve CO emissions2. The challenge is to deploy them quickly enough. By 2050, the decarbonization of certain sectors requires encouraging innovation and orienting funding and regulations so that the most promising technologies emerge and are deployed quickly.
Driven by the immensity of the challenges to be met, the field of climate technology is in full swing. It is difficult for decision-makers to keep up with technological advances, to assess their medium-term potential, and to understand their challenges.
Zenon monitors, deciphers and analyzes research, trends, innovations, actors and challenges in the field of technologies for a low-carbon world. By publishing summaries, organizing events and federating a community, Zenon aims to accelerate the development and deployment of technologies for a low-carbon world.
What we do
Watch & prospective
Zenon observes, deciphers and analyzes research, trends, innovations, actors and challenges in the field of climate technologies.
Zenon offers a weekly “Zenon Outpost” newsletter and summarizes the work of its scientific team through short formats (articles, “explainers”, reports, analysis notes, maps...) hosted on its website and relayed to actors in the climate tech ecosystem.
Zenon develops and leads a community of researchers and decision-makers, and federates a French climate technology ecosystem. Zenon facilitates synergies and cooperations to accelerate the low-carbon transition.
The Zenon Dialogues: regular conferences to allow the Zenon Community to discuss climate technology trends and challenges in the presence of scientific experts and, thus, to increase their skills on these topics. ClimaTech: the annual meeting for actors in the French climate technology ecosystem..